Sculpting a set of 6 pack abs won’t guarantee eternal happiness and incalculable wealth. What it will do however is give you a reason to feel good about your body. What’s more, having gone to the trouble of acquiring a toned set of abs, you’re more inclined to maintain regular exercise and a balanced diet to ensure your gains don’t diminish.
Put simply, strong abdominal muscles are indicative of a strong core and healthy body. Focus on your abs and the rest will fall into place.
So that’s the theory. Now it’s time to put the ideology into practice with my guide to developing 6 pack abs.
Uncover those 6 pack abs
Developing a 6 pack ultimately comes down to two things – losing fat and building muscle.
While there are no outright cheats to achieving this – you’re going to have to break a sweat and watch what you eat– it is possible to fast-track your progress by using supplements that bestow an advantage, generating visible results in less time. We’ll discuss the best supplement for the job later in this article.
The good news is that acquiring 6 pack abs is easier than you’d think. In just eight weeks, you’ll witness astonishing results just by following the advice I’m about to dispense.
6 pack abs exercises
These are the exercises that will help you develop well-defined 6 pack abs. I have categorised the exercises into three levels of difficulty.
Start off with the beginner level, and when you feel ready attempt some of the more complex exercises. Commit to using these isolation moves 3 to 5 times a week and you’ll be well on your way to witnessing noticeable changes to your physique.
Full video tutorials with audio and tips can be found in my chart-topping fitness app, the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout.

Shedding body fat
By the way, losing body fat doesn’t call for starving yourself – far from it. We’ll get to diet in the next section, but first I want to speak about cardio. To achieve 6 pack abs, your abdominal exercises should be supplemented with regular cardio. If you can go out running, great. However, if you’re pushed for time (or simply don’t fancy pounding the pavements for an hour) there is another option – HIIT.
High Intensity Interval Training combines short bursts of intensive, lung-busting exercise with rest periods. Just 15 minutes of HIIT can deliver the same benefits as a 45-minute cardio session. Wanna find out more? Try my Adrian James High Intensity Interval Training app. It’s packed with exercises, instructional videos, a diet plan and a bunch of other good stuff.
“Train harder and for longer”
It doesn’t matter how you burn off those calories – all that matters is that you get the job done using whatever form of cardio suits you best. My advice? Mix it up. I go running and put in a few miles on my bike every week, alternating this with HIIT sessions that get my heart pumping and my body burning calories even after I’ve finished exercising. That’s the other thing to know about HIIT; after an intensive session, your body will expend up to 100 additional calories over the next 24 hours. Bonus.

Weights are good
While the benefits of regular cardio are obvious, lifting weights is also recommended. Resistance training is a great way to get your metabolism working overtime; it’ll also compensate for any muscle mass that might otherwise be lost through cardio. A couple of weights sessions a week will leave your muscles aching in the best possible way and will accelerate your path towards developing a body you can feel proud of.
Let’s start with breakfast. No skipping your first meal of the day. See, that’s the great thing about exercising – it doesn’t preclude you from eating. Far from it; the trick here is to eat balanced meals at regular intervals through the day.
Skipping breakfast will cause you to become ravenous mid-morning, leaving you susceptible to snacking on whatever’s closest – no matter how unhealthy. A healthy breakfast will sustain you through the morning and can raise your metabolism by as much as 10%. Try porridge with a dash of cinnamon or a drop of honey if you want to liven it up. Salmon or poached eggs on toast is another great option, as is natural yoghurt with blueberries. Sugary cereals and simple starches (hash browns; white bread) should be avoided.
Snack happy
When you do feel those hunger pangs start to kick in mid-morning or during the afternoon, have a snack to hand that you can tuck into without undoing all your hard work. Fruit, nuts and seeds are ideal. Drinking regularly throughout the day is important but choose water over sugary carbonated drinks. Coffee’s fine (in moderation), but when it comes to fruit juice and smoothies, try and limit yourself to one glass a day as they are loaded with sugar.
For dinner, try and get some lean protein into your diet – grilled chicken or turkey is ideal, served up with spinach, sweet potato or wholegrain rice. There are hundreds of simple yet healthy recipes out there – scour the web for ideas or use my seven-day meal plan to inspire healthy food choices.
At night, if you get hungry have a light bite rather than cramming in snacks that bring instant gratification but do your body no good. I’m afraid crisps and ice cream are out. Your metabolism works even while you’re asleep; don’t leave it lumped with the task of shifting the excess carbs and sugars you ingested shortly before passing out.
Supplements for 6 pack abs
Regular exercise and good diet should be at the heart of every fitness programme. There’s also a third factor to consider however – one which can play a pivotal role.
Supplements can be the difference between good and really good. They can turn lean into ripped. They’re the helping hand your body needs to gain that elusive edge, helping you train harder and for longer.

This is why I’m proud to offer my exclusive weight-loss supplement – Thermoblaze – a product which has been scientifically researched and developed. Its natural ingredients, many of which have been selected for their thermogenic properties, work in harmony to help you develop the lean physique you crave.
All of the ingredients found in Thermoblaze have been sourced from reputable global suppliers and are included at significant levels to assist with weight management. A sensible diet and exercise routine in conjunction with Thermoblaze will help you strip fat and turn average abs into killer abs.
Sleep is free, blissfully relaxing and great for your body – so pack in as much as you can. I’m afraid that doesn’t mean spending all day in bed however. People who get eight hours’ sleep a night have been shown to lose more body fat than people who get less than six hours – so don’t neglect your pillow time.
And that’s about it: my not-so-short guide to getting 6 pack abs. In summary then:
- Use the Adrian James Fitness Apps
- Lift weights
- Eat healthily
- Take the right supplements
- Rehydrate and get plenty of sleep
Finally, the best way to achieve your fitness goals is by getting motivated. Use the 8 week challenge found in each of my Adrian James fitness apps. It’ll encourage you to keep going and serve as a great workout companion.
Where would you like to be 8 weeks from now? If your answer is “In the best shape of my life”, your time starts now. Get training and good luck. You can do this.