When I created the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout, I wanted it to be the best fitness app on the market. One million downloads later and it would be fair to say I’ve exceeded all expectations.
The dream might have been achieved but the mission isn’t complete. Those of you who’ve downloaded the app: I want to help you get the most out of it. I want you to see incredible results, and to derive more enjoyment from your training. As for those who’ve yet to try the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout, well, just hear me out. Then you can decide for yourself.
Step 1: Start at the beginning
As I noted in the introduction to the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout, the goal should be to earn 100 points a week in order to sculpt an awesome set of abs and strengthen your core. Each session only takes 5-15 minutes, so it’s easy to incorporate an abs workout into your regular fitness routine – even if you’re pressed for time. Each session may be short but it’s highly effective.
Every time you complete an abs workout using the app, you’ll be awarded points. Complete a 15-minute workout, for example, and you’ll receive 36 points. If you can consistently exceed 100 points a week, it’s not a question of if those abs will start to show – it’s when.
Step 2: Create a custom workout
Once you’re familiar with the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout, it’s time to switch things up. Having tried out all 18 exercises, across all three difficulty levels, you’ll be ready to experiment. While every exercise is effective, following them in the same order every day can get repetitive.
The Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout allows you to select your favourite exercises, combining them to create a personalised workout. Merging the intermediate and advanced exercises can create an intense session, but there are limitless options here. Press the shuffle button to mix things about or create a custom workout to isolate specific abdominal muscles. It’s your app – go wild.

Step 3: Train with friends
For maximum gains, grab a mate. When you workout together you’re more inclined to train harder and spur each other on. Oh, and don’t just limit yourself to exercising in your front room. You can use the app on the mats at the gym or, on sunny days, prop your phone against a tree and workout in the park. I’ve walked into gyms and witnessed entire classes using my app to train their abs. Hearing my in-app voiceovers being pumped through the gym speakers was a strange sensation, I can assure you
Step 4: Take the 8-week challenge
If you’re serious about getting ripped, you need an incentive. A reason to push yourself harder and to augment your hard work with a good diet and nutrition. My advice? Try my Body Transformation Challenge. Stick to the programme and eight weeks from now you’ll be amazed by the transformation. Don’t believe me? Here’s what it did for Simon.
Step 5: Try my routine
I’ve explained the best ways to use the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout. Now I’m going to share something I’ve never previously disclosed – how I use the app.
Did you think I wouldn’t use my own product? Celebrity chefs have no qualms about putting their name to sauces they’d never dream of using at home. That ain’t me. I don’t just market my apps – I live them and swear by them.
When I created the Adrian James 6 Pack Abs Workout, I envisioned it helping others get ripped. What I hadn’t bargained on was it becoming the most essential tool in my kit bag. I’ll squeeze a 10-minute custom workout in at the start or end of a gym session, performing all the intermediate and advanced exercises. It’s so ingrained into my routine that I don’t even need to think about it.
If you’ve yet to try the chart-topping app used by celebs, sports stars, military personnel and gym-goers around the world, why not give it a go? Two weeks from now you’ll start seeing results. Four weeks from now you’ll be flexing for your friends. Eight weeks from now, you’ll be amazed by the transformation.
The secret to getting great abs is no longer a secret. Just download the app and get started.